Flowing lights of water
flowing grains of light
each shines with life
From a dewdrop of morning mist
grains of light flow out
Flow of life
Meandering through the trees
meandering through the rocks
grains of light flow
keep on flowing
touching the life of forest
Like a shower of light
touching every cell
touching consciousness
touching the whole existence
touching hearts
it starts overflowing
In the light
in the wind
In the floating light
Lights of flowers
lights of trees
light of sky
light of human being
Overflowing lights
become one
and dancing
The precious
breathes here and now
I embrace this flower
with you
who is born just now
To this joy
I breathe with you
and embrace this flower with you
Slowly and relaxedly flowing river
going beyond time
going beyond place
keeps on flowing
There is no past
no future
there is no tomorrow
no yesterday
That which exists is
now ――
The river flows
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